Frequently Asked Questions

Use the links below to help answer your query. If you need to know more, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can.


Q. Can I give the Church a Legacy?

Here at the Beaulieu Abbey Church, we welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small.  Our PCC Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund our mission and ministry, in the parish and beyond.

Since needs change over time, we would encourage you to leave your gift for the general purposes of the Parish, rather than for a restricted purpose.  However, if you have a strong wish to support a specific need of the Church, we will strive to support that wish.

Any gift should be directed to Beaulieu Abbey Church PCC, and will be acknowledged.  Further information can be sought from either of the Churchwardens, or via the  Benefice Office - 01590 612242.

If a Legacy is for St Paul's Church at East Boldre or St Katharine's Church at Exbury, please contact the Benefice Office in the first instance where details can be given and passed to the member of Church Staff at these churches.

Q. What is the difference between a Baptism and a Christening?

A. There is no difference between a Christening service and a Baptism service. Some churches will use the word 'baptism' and some the word 'christening'. Babies are Baptized during a christening service just as couples are 'married' during a 'wedding' service.


The Gospel speaks of welcome for all. Being faithful to this compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.

For information, guidance & resources, please visit Further information is displayed on the notice boards in the Church porch.

Rector:  Vacancy

Beaulieu Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sophie B 07596 491860, .

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie R 01962 737317.