Funeral/Memorial Fees 2025 for the

Parish of Beaulieu, Exbury & East Boldre

The fees are amended very slightly in January every year, by the Church of England.

Fixed Costs

1. Funeral/Memorial Service in Church                          (*Diocese fee £124 + *PCC £104) £228
2. Service at graveside (any church) including burial     (*Diocese fee £124 + *PCC £349) £473
3. Service at crematoruim                                               (*Diocese fee £228) £228
4. Burial at a cemetery or cremation on same day         (*Diocese fee £34) £34
5. Burial of Ashes/cremated remains disposal               (*Diocese fee £50 + *PCC £142) £192
6. Sexton (Burial of Ashes only) £60

 Optional Costs

At each church add the following charges as applicable:

 7. Verger £60
 8. Heat and Light  (Averaged throughout year) £115
 9. Organist (retained)     NB. other organists will submit separate fee £175^
10. Choir £TBC


For monuments in churchyards, searches in church registers see Church of England website.

Fees are ammended each January by the Church of England. For more details, visit their website:

* denotes Diocesan Board of Finance Fees and Parochial Church Council Fees

^subject to change if service to be recorded in any way



The Gospel speaks of welcome for all. Being faithful to this compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.

For information, guidance & resources, please visit Further information is displayed on the notice boards in the Church porch.

Rector:  Rev Catherine Cowie

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sophie B.  Email: .

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie R 01962 737317.