Beaulieu Churches General Funds

Your giving helps maintain our church building

Your giving helps sustain our parish clergy and our parish ministry.  We visit sick people, we comfort the bereaved, we celebrate births and marriages, we provide Sunday and mid-week worship and we show the love of Christ through our care, comfort and compassion.

Your giving helps sustain our mission here, in the diocese and overseas for people we never meet but who need our practical support.

Your giving will help us raise the £10000 per month we need to fulfil our purposes.

For regular giving we use the Parish Giving Scheme to whose page you will be transferred.

We thank you warmly for what you are able to donate.



The Gospel speaks of welcome for all. Being faithful to this compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.

For information, guidance & resources, please visit Further information is displayed on the notice boards in the Church porch.

Rector:  Rev Catherine Cowie

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sophie B.  Email: .

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie R 01962 737317.