For many years, our parishes (Beaulieu, Exbury, East Boldre) have been linked together into one Benefice, led by a Rector. Recent years have seen a decline in the numbers attending the parish churches of Exbury and East Boldre. After consultation within the Benefice, it has been decided to create a single parish, named Beaulieu, Exbury and East Boldre. This organisational move is planned to come into effect on 1 January 2025. For most parishioners, this change will make little if any difference to their patterns of worship. However, there are a number of significant changes, and some are listed here:

  • Instead of three PCCs, there will be just one; and instead of six Church Wardens, there will be just two.
  • Lay members of the PCC and the two Church Wardens will be elected at a Special Annual Parochial General Meeting (SPAGM) towards the end of January ‘25.
  • Committees throughout the existing Benefice will cease to operate on 31 December ‘24, and ‘Single Parish’ committees will be reconvened as soon as practicable after the SAPGM.
  • There will be only one Parish Church, which will be Beaulieu Abbey Church. Both St Katharine’s Exbury, and St Paul's East Boldre will become ‘Chapels of Ease’. All three churches, plus the Chapel in Bucklers Hard will continue to hold services, at times determined by the Rector, after discussions with wardens and parishioners.


The Gospel speaks of welcome for all. Being faithful to this compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.

For information, guidance & resources, please visit Further information is displayed on the notice boards in the Church porch.

Rector:  Rev Catherine Cowie

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sophie B.  Email: .

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie R 01962 737317.