OutsideThe attractive village of Bucklers Hard, where wooden ships were built for Nelson's fleet, is about three miles to the south of Beaulieu.

White MadonnaIn the front room of a cottage next to the Master Builder's House will be found the Chapel of St. Mary. This unusually beautiful little chapel is visited annually by thousands of visitors, and serves as a place of worship for parishioners in this part of the Parish of Beaulieu.

As early as the 1880s, the Rev RP Powles used to conduct services in this room. It had been used previously as a dame school, and when the Vicar celebrated Holy Communion in those days he used the mistress's desk as an altar. Later it was furnished as a Chapel.

After the First World War the Chapel was restored, largely through the initiative of Lady Poole, wife of Sir Reginald Poole of Bucklers Wood, whose ashes now rest in the Chapel. Later the Chapel was enriched and beautified by generous gifts from many friends.

Chichester plaqueThe memorial to Sir Francis Chichester echoes the nautical feel of the village of which the chapel is very much a part. The sea birds on the delightful wooden plaque reminds us that Sir Francis set sail from Bucklers Hard on his epic single-handed journey around the world. He spent much time in the village. Details of his voyage and his boats may be seen in the Maritime Museum.

A very interesting guide to the Chapel, written by the novelist Elisabeth Goudge, is on sale in the Chapel.

Holy Communion services are held every Sunday at 8.00am.Services are said, except on special occasions eg Easter Sunday and Christmas Day. The Book of Common Prayer is used.

The Altar clothThe Black Madonna


The Gospel speaks of welcome for all. Being faithful to this compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has.

For information, guidance & resources, please visit www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding. Further information is displayed on the notice boards in the Church porch.

Rector:  Vacancy

Beaulieu Parish Safeguarding Officer: Sophie B 07596 491860,  safeguardingbeaulieubenefice@gmail.com .

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie R 01962 737317.